
Dryden Gate screeches open to welcome you.

Two philosopher cats at the gate notice that you are somebody they have seen before.

The first one says to the other, “Ehh. The same person again. A true meaning finder”

“more like an overthinker”

“nah, a peace killer”

“or, a human hater”

“a nobody-really-gets-me”

“an intellectual loner”

“a perpetual mistake”

“Just like Mizu”

“Just like Mizu”

“Go on then. No good eavesdropping”, they say to you, purring away in disdain.

Step into any Mizu City story by swiping through this carousel:

(All stories and pictures belong to Mizu City)

Did you know that cities are just like you? They are completely manmade and terribly complex and sometimes fail to make sense, in other words, a reflection of human life. To decipher the meaning of life, you have to simply rip through a city.

Mizu City is a web fiction series that takes you around the world to explore hidden, unseen, and known but misunderstood cities. This is the journey of a Japanese girl named Mizu who has left Tokyo for a life of who knows what!


The Best Hotels in Tokyo for Solo Travelers in 2024

Visiting cities alone means spending hours reading hotel reviews, checking out transportation to city centers and ensuring that the…

Mizu Returns to Tokyo

If given only three words to live by, mine would be “najimi no nai” which means alien or unfamiliar…

The City of Tokyo in Poetry

by Lakshmi Kalarikkal The city of Tokyo is structured like a poem, soaring mountains flow into deep valleys, while…

A creation by

Andrea Rodrigues
  • Clue to the Next City:
Returning to Home City

Why did I begin this?

For city enthusiasts to interact with each other, so that they can discover urban spaces that are concrete, divine, full of horror and joy. If you recall Mizu in the delights, dangers, sorrows and great findings that are true to the urban experience it counts for something.

Get In Touch


Do you want Mizu to visit a city you like? Have you discovered a cool thing about an unknown city? Write to us!